Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Monday, November 1, 2021
Howdy Friends,
I'm really excited To announce my winter schedule of classes for Mead Library of Sheboygan, WI.
I have been partnering with Mead for many years and when the pandemic began, all of my in-person classes moved online to their FB Live Stream.
For awhile I was doing Monday and Thursday nights, then it moved to Monday night only once a week.
These days I am doing three days in a row, usually about the middle of each month.
Every month I offer a variety of classes that cover technique, repertoire, style, and more!
I realize that many of you may not be on FB.
Often the classes are uploaded to You Tube, so you can search and find some of them there if you cannot make the "Live" sessions.
The classes are free, though I do solicit for tips via the virtual tip jar on the homepage of my website www.lilrev.com
The classes all begin at 6:30pm CT and go from 45 minutes to 1 hour in length.
Typically, I average 25-50 students from all over the world.
I hope you can join us one of these night!
Lil Rev
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